Results for 'D. M. Norfleet'

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  1.  28
    Strengthening and plastic flow of Ni3Al alloy microcrystals.D. M. Dimiduk, M. D. Uchic, S. I. Rao, P. A. Shade, C. Woodward, G. B. Viswanathan, E. M. Nadgorny, S. Polasik, D. M. Norfleet & M. J. Mills - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (1-3):96-120.
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    Nós, os Não-Europeus, o Pensamento na América Latina e a Não-Filosofia. Um Possível Non-Rapport.D. D. M. Almeida - 2011 - Páginas de Filosofía 3 (1-2):111-134.
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    Cation self-diffusion in MgO up to 2350°c.B. C. Harding & D. M. Price - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (1):253-260.
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    Probing the evolution of water clusters during hydration of the solid acid catalyst H-ZSM-5.Kenneth D. M. Harris, Mingcan Xu & John Meurig Thomas - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (33):3001-3012.
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    A ternary universal decision element.J. C. Muzio & D. M. Miller - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (4):632-637.
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    Energy of formation of lattice vacancies in lead from equilibrium resistivity and quenching studies.A. J. Leadbetter, D. M. T. Newsham & N. H. Picton - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (122):371-377.
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    XIST and the mapping of the X chromosome inactivation centre.Stephen D. M. Brown - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (11):607-612.
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    Spontaneous athermal cross-slip nucleation at screw dislocation intersections in FCC metals and L12intermetallics investigated via atomistic simulations.S. I. Rao, D. M. Dimiduk, J. A. El-Awady, T. A. Parthasarathy, M. D. Uchic & C. Woodward - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (22):3012-3028.
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    High-resolution topographical imaging by direct transmission electron microscopy.A. G. Cullis & D. M. Maher - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (2):447-451.
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    Imitation is not the “holy grail” of comparative cognition.M. D. Matheson & D. M. Fragaszy - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):697-698.
    We commend Byrne & Russon for their effort to expand and clarify the concept of imitation by addressing the various levels of behavior organization at which it could occur. We are concerned, however, first about the ambiguity with which these levels are defined and second about whether there is any particular need for comparative cognition to keep focusing on imitation as an important intellectual faculty. We recommend stricter definitions of hierarchical behavioral levels that will lend themselves to operational definitions and (...)
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    Begrip en werkelijkheid.D. M. de Petter - 1964 - Hilversum,: P. Brand.
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    Do Patients’ Treatment Decisions Match Advance Statements of Their Preferences?Melinda A. Lee, D. M. Smith, D. S. Fenn & L. Ganzini - 1998 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 9 (3):258-262.
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    Memoir of Tom Peete Cross.J. D. M. Ford, W. A. Nitze, F. N. Robinson & Archer Taylor - 1952 - Speculum 27 (3):447.
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  14. D. Lee Ballard, Robert J. Conrad, and Robert E. longacre/the deep and surface grammar of lnterclausal relations 70.Zeno Vendler, Maurice Cornforth, Series Maior Linguarum, Bjorn Collinder, Beverly L. Robbins & D. M. Bakker - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:154.
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  15. The Basis of Christian Unity.D. M. Lloyd-Jones - 1962
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    Towards an understanding of chromosome architecture Chromosome Banding (1990). By A. T. Sumner. Unwin Hyman, London. 434pp. £60. [REVIEW]S. D. M. Brown - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (5):356-356.
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    Plato: Political Philosophy‐ by Malcolm Schofield. [REVIEW]A. D. M. Walker - 2008 - Philosophical Books 49 (2):143-145.
  18.  6
    Scientific transcendentalism, by D.M.M. D. & Scientific Transcendentalism - 1880
  19. A World of States of Affairs.D. M. Armstrong - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this important study D. M. Armstrong offers a comprehensive system of analytical metaphysics that synthesises but also develops his thinking over the last twenty years. Armstrong's analysis, which acknowledges the 'logical atomism' of Russell and Wittgenstein, makes facts the fundamental constituents of the world, examining properties, relations, numbers, classes, possibility and necessity, dispositions, causes and laws. All these, it is argued, find their place and can be understood inside a scheme of states of affairs. This is a comprehensive and (...)
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    (1 other version)Chasing shadows: Natural selection and adaptation.D. M. Walsh - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 31 (1):135-53.
  21. Fitness and function.D. M. Walsh - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (4):553-574.
    According to historical theories of biological function, a trait's function is determined by natural selection in the past. I argue that, in addition to historical functions, ahistorical functions ought to be recognized. I propose a theory of biological function which accommodates both. The function of a trait is the way it contributes to fitness and fitness can only be determined relative to a selective regime. Therefore, the function of a trait can only be specified relative to a selective regime. Apart (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Handbook of Philosophical Logic.D. M. Gabbay & F. Guenthner - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (2):248-250.
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  23. Consciousness and Causality.D. M. Armstrong & Norman Malcolm - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):341-344.
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  24. II—Does Knowledge Entail Belief?D. M. Armstrong - 1970 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 70 (1):21-36.
    D. M. Armstrong; II—Does Knowledge Entail Belief?, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 70, Issue 1, 1 June 1970, Pages 21–36,
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  25. (1 other version)A Materialist Theory of the Mind.D. M. Armstrong - 1968 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Ted Honderich.
    Breaking new ground in the debate about the relation of mind and body, David Armstrong's classic text - first published in 1968 - remains the most compelling and comprehensive statement of the view that the mind is material or physical. In the preface to this new edition, the author reflects on the book's impact and considers it in the light of subsequent developments. He also provides a bibliography of all the key writings to have appeared in the materialist debate.
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  26. (1 other version)A World of States of Affairs.D. M. Armstrong - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:429-440.
    In this important study D. M. Armstrong offers a comprehensive system of analytical metaphysics that synthesises but also develops his thinking over the last twenty years. Armstrong's analysis, which acknowledges the 'logical atomism' of Russell and Wittgenstein, makes facts the fundamental constituents of the world, examining properties, relations, numbers, classes, possibility and necessity, dispositions, causes and laws. All these, it is argued, find their place and can be understood inside a scheme of states of affairs. This is a comprehensive and (...)
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  27. Truth and truthmakers.D. M. Armstrong - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Truths are determined not by what we believe, but by the way the world is. Or so realists about truth believe. Philosophers call such theories correspondence theories of truth. Truthmaking theory, which now has many adherents among contemporary philosophers, is the most recent development of a realist theory of truth, and in this book D. M. Armstrong offers the first full-length study of this theory. He examines its applications to different sorts of truth, including contingent truths, modal truths, truths about (...)
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  28. [no title].D. M. Berry & A. Fagerjord - unknown
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  29. The scope of selection: Sober and Neander on what natural selection explains.D. M. Walsh - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (2):250 – 264.
    (1998). The scope of selection: Sober and neander on what natural selection explains. Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. 250-264.
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  30. Review. Complexity and the function of mind in nature. Peter Godfrey-Smith.D. M. Walsh - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (4):613-617.
  31. (1 other version)Aristotle's De Partibus Animalium I and De Generatione Animalium I.D. M. Balme & Richard Sorabji - 1972 - Philosophy 48 (186):404-406.
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    Plotinus on Consciousness.D. M. Hutchinson - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Plotinus is the first Greek philosopher to hold a systematic theory of consciousness. The key feature of his theory is that it involves multiple layers of experience: different layers of consciousness occur in different levels of self. This layering of higher modes of consciousness on lower ones provides human beings with a rich experiential world, and enables human beings to draw on their own experience to investigate their true self and the nature of reality. This involves a robust notion of (...)
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  33.  39
    Organisms, Agency, and Evolution.D. M. Walsh - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The central insight of Darwin's Origin of Species is that evolution is an ecological phenomenon, arising from the activities of organisms in the 'struggle for life'. By contrast, the Modern Synthesis theory of evolution, which rose to prominence in the twentieth century, presents evolution as a fundamentally molecular phenomenon, occurring in populations of sub-organismal entities - genes. After nearly a century of success, the Modern Synthesis theory is now being challenged by empirical advances in the study of organismal development and (...)
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    The Immaterial Self: A Defence of the Cartesian Dualist Conception of the Mind.D. M. Armstrong - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (2):272.
  35.  16
    Invisible Enemies: Coronavirus and Other Hidden Threats.D. M. Shaw - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):531-534.
    To say that coronavirus is highly visible is a massive understatement in terms of its omnipresence in our lives and media coverage concerning it, yet also clearly untrue in terms of the virus itself. COVID-19 is our invisible enemy, changing our lives radically without ever revealing itself directly. In this paper I explore its invisibility and how it relates to and exposes other invisible enemies we are and have been fighting, in many cases without even realizing. First, I analyse the (...)
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    How Should Political Philosophers Think of Health?D. M. Weinstock - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (4):424-435.
    The political philosophy of health care has been characterized by considerable conceptual inflation in recent years. First, the concept of health that lies at its core has come to encompass ever-increasing aspects of individuals’ existences. And second, the emergence of the public health perspective has increased the range of resources relevant to health equity. This expansion has not been without cost. The decision to include more rather than less within the ambit of "health" is ultimately a moral/political rather than an (...)
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  37. Bookkeeping or metaphysics? The units of selection debate.D. M. Walsh - 2004 - Synthese 138 (3):337 - 361.
    The Units of Selection debate is a dispute about the causes of population change. I argue that it is generated by a particular `dynamical'' interpretation of natural selection theory, according to which natural selection causes differential survival and reproduction of individuals and natural selection explanations cite these causes. I argue that the dynamical interpretation is mistaken and offer in outline an alternative, `statistical'' interpretation, according to which natural selection theory is a fancy kind of `bookkeeping''. It explains by citing the (...)
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  38. Universals: an opinionated introduction.D. M. Armstrong - 1989 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    In this short text, a distinguished philosopher turns his attention to one of the oldest and most fundamental philosophical problems of all: How it is that we are able to sort and classify different things as being of the same natural class? Professor Armstrong carefully sets out six major theories—ancient, modern, and contemporary—and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each. Recognizing that there are no final victories or defeats in metaphysics, Armstrong nonetheless defends a traditional account of universals as the (...)
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  39.  22
    Bieber, M., The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age.D. M. Robinson - 1955 - Classical Weekly 49:11.
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    Spartan Law D. M. MacDowell: Spartan Law. (Scottish Classical Studies, 1.) Pp. xiii+182. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1986. £12.50. [REVIEW]D. M. Lewis - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):231-232.
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    Broken Light on the Ground of Home: Non-Being and Diasporic Trauma in the Parmenidean Poem.D. M. Spitzer - 2020 - Diacritics 48 (1):108-126.
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  42. Filosofii︠a︡ v universitete: vzgli︠a︡d iz Moskvy i Shankhai︠a︡ = Zhe xue zai da xue: jian yu Shanghai yu Mosike.D. M. Nosov (ed.) - 2014 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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    Aristotle and Plotinus on the Intellect. Monism and Dualism Revisited by Mark D. Nyvlt (review).D. M. Hutchinson - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (3):480-481.
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    Differential effects on lever choice and response rate produced by d-amphetamine.D. M. Kuhn, I. Greenberg & J. B. Appel - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (2):119-120.
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    The Metaphysics of Identity over Time.D. M. Armstrong - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (185):516-518.
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  46. Methodology in business ethics research: A review and critical assessment. [REVIEW]D. M. Randall & A. M. Gibson - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (6):457 - 471.
    Using 94 published empirical articles in academic journals as a data base, this paper provides a critical review of the methodology employed in the study of ethical beliefs and behavior of organizational members. The review revealed that full methodological detail was provided in less than one half of the articles. Further, the majority of empirical research articles expressed no concern for the reliability or validity of measures, were characterized by low response rates, used convenience samples, and did not offer a (...)
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    The identification of vacancy and interstitial loops in neutron irradiated molybdenum.D. M. Maher & B. L. Eyre - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (145):1-6.
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  48. Reflexies.D. M. Bakker & J. P. A. Mekkes (eds.) - 1968 - Amsterdam,: Buijten & Schipperheijn.
    Onderwerp en gezegde, door D. M. Bakker.--Enkele opmerkingen over het Godsbegrip van Justinus Martyr, door J. den Boeft.--Heidegger, Descartes, Luther, door J. van der Hoeven.--"Geschichtlichkeit" bij Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, door G. Horsman.--Menselijke ontmaskering en Bijbels démasqué , door R. Huson.--Kleine geschiedenis van het begrip "niets" in de antieke wijsbegeerte (tot e met de Sofisten en Plato), door P. A. Meijer.--De structuur van opvoeden en opvoedkunde, door J. W. Mojet.--Individualiteit in de fysica, door M. D. (...)
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    Reactive standard deontic logic.D. M. Gabbay & C. Strasser - 2012 - Journal of Logic and Computation 25 (1):117–157.
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  50. From Biology to Social Experience to Morality: Reflections on the Naturalization of Morality.D. M. Yeager - 2003 - Tradition and Discovery 30 (3):31-39.
    Placing Goodenough and Deacon’s “From Biology to Consciousness to Morality” against the background of the ethical naturalism of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century British moral theory, Yeager highlights the contribution the authors make to the moral sense tradition as well as indicating the limitations of such accounts of moral agency, judgment, and conduct. Yeager also identifies two strands of the essay that seem to open toward a more comprehensive account than the authors actually give. The first concerns the “interplay between self-interest and (...)
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